Bài viết sau đây sẽ cung cấp cho bạn đầy đủ kiến thức và nội dung về education has been developed in mà bạn đang tìm kiếm do chính biên tập viên Làm Bài Tập biên soạn và tổng hợp. Ngoài ra, bạn có thể tìm thấy những chủ đề có liên quan khác trên trang web lambaitap.edu.vn của chúng tôi. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp ích cho bạn.
2Adult education may be defined as education for people who are older than the upper limit of compulsory education and not enrolled in further or higher education. It can be undertaken for recreational, vocational, or professional reasons, and embodies a philosophy that learning should be a lifelong activity. At the BBC it has gone by various names, the main ones being adult education, further education and continuing education.
3In this article I give an outline history of BBC adult education. When viewed in outline, the history of adult education at the BBC is a history of fresh attempts to get it right, followed by disappointment. A closer look reveals some remarkable successes, usually as a result of BBC staff members being seized with enthusiasm for a particular project that was both timely and educationally rewarding.
4Despite its uneven trajectory, a consistent thread runs through the BBC’s adult education: a strong ethical motivation. One might almost claim that BBC adult education is one of the few educational arenas where education has not been driven by a economic, pragmatic or political justifications.
5The development of broadcasting in Britain coincided with a national expansion of adult education. Although the two developments were unconnected, the BBC quickly adopted adult education as a primary activity. For approximately a decade, from 1925 to 1935, it was a major preoccupation of the BBC.
9Wireless listening groups were central to BBC adult education for almost 20 years from 1928. Groups met at local centres, such as schools, village halls or members’ homes, to listen to and discuss educational broadcasts under the guidance of a group leader. That education was seen, at least partly, as interactive and collaborative seems strikingly modern, although its advocates probably had in mind the tutorial system used in Britain’s ancient universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
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10For the first three decades of the BBC’s existence, educational broadcasting was confined to the radio. Television did not become significant in Britain until the later 1950s. Similarly, until the 1950s, broadcasts were live as there was not yet a practical way to pre-record and edit them. Consequently educational broadcasts from this early era cannot be heard, but fortunately transcripts of some were published in The Listener.
11The most ambitious Adult Education project of the 1920s and 1930s was The Changing World. This was the overall title for a project that thematically linked all adult education broadcasts from September 1931 to March 1932. As originally conceived, The Changing World was intended to examine the causes and effects of change across multiple disciplines, such as science, economics, art, politics, and so on.
12The timetable of The Changing World appears below. As the timetable shows, the adult education year was modelled in the academic year, with the first term from September to December, followed by one from January to March. There was also a third term from April to June, but The Changing World occupied only the first two terms of the 1931/32 academic year.
13Each horizontal band of the timetable represents a particular subject area. As can be seen, most broadcasts were at 19.30 on weekday evenings – very much prime broadcasting time. Each band encompasses twenty-four half-hour talks. The entire project therefore consisted of 144 broadcasts spread over seven months, amounting to 72 hours of broadcasting time. Some distinguished British intellectuals took part: T. S. Eliot, William Beveridge, Beatrice Webb, Leonard Woolf, Julian Huxley and Harold Nicolson, for example.
14As plans for The Changing World developed through the spring and summer of 1931, a contemporary instance of change could not be ignored. This was the financial crisis that was developing across Europe and beyond. It felt apocalyptic, and not just in Britain. The British historian Arnold Toynbee wrote:
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15The aims The Changing World were modified as the crisis developed. The introductory booklet for the series captured the portentous mood of the times:
16The intentions of The Changing World were re-framed to incorporate an analysis of the developing crisis:
20Despite the declining fortunes of adult education after 1934, schools broadcasting thrived. Also, following the Second World War (1939-45), Forces Educational Broadcasts (FEB), intended for military personnel awaiting demobilisation, proved so successful that the service was continued until 1952, four years beyond its scheduled closure.
34Following the establishment of The Open University, traditional BBC adult education broadcasts continued, typically including foreign language courses and subjects such as literature, history, medicine and health, as well as current affairs programmes embedded in mainstream programming. Although educational broadcasting has generally maintained a low profile in the decades since the 1960s, two outstanding examples broke new ground by becoming prominent national events. They were the Adult Literacy Project and the Computer Literacy Project.
42The television programmes (over 30 in the first year) carried relatively little direct teaching. A report on the Computer Literacy Project declared
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47The rising and falling trajectory of educational broadcasting, with its fresh starts and declines, suggests that education sat uncomfortably within the BBC’s broadcasting practices – despite notable successes such as the Adult Literacy Project and the Computer Literacy Project. We can see that some recurring issues contributed to the chequered history of adult education.
48One issue relates to the smallness of the committed audience. The number of listeners and viewers who were dedicated students was always small relative to the number of general listeners or viewers. Educational broadcasts, like other specialist broadcasting, therefore tended to be pushed towards the least popular broadcasting times, where they attracted less attention. Even the Computer Literacy Project, which came close to having mass appeal, had its television programmes confined to the margins of the schedules, where they would be unlikely to recruit many general audience members.
49Another recurring issue was the nature of the adult-education audience. Should it be regarded as a community of like minded students, who would benefit from being put in touch with each other, or should it be regarded as independent learners? From an educational point of view, communities of learners were desirable, but setting up groups and managing them almost always incurred a cost to the BBC, and attendance was disappointing. In the Adult Literacy Project and the Computer Literacy Project the group aspect was transferred to outside bodies, indicating perhaps that other organisations were better suited to be custodians group activities.
50Finally, there is a question about how best to use broadcast media. Their ubiquity makes them attractive for reaching poorly served groups, and this has motivated much educational broadcasting. But ubiquity does not necessarily make a medium good for teaching. An Open University professor was quoted as saying that broadcast television was unsuitable for teaching conceptually difficult material, and both the Adult Literacy Project and the Computer Literacy Project largely avoided using television for teaching, reserving it instead for motivation, contextualisation and discussion of issues.
51Despite, all these problems, however, adult education on the BBC has had, in my view, a remarkable history. Its remarkableness lies in its firm adherence to founding principles of public service broadcasting. So often the creators of these broadcasts, or people associated with them, used the language of ethics when giving an account of their work. They spoke of duty, of responsibility towards the public, and of injunctions to educate. Furthermore, adult education on the BBC has been – remarkably – a site where education has been its own justification. It has not required justification beyond itself, though it has often been inspired by external developments and sought to illuminate them.
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