Trang chủ » Top 21 being a country of different cultural races chính xác nhất

Top 21 being a country of different cultural races chính xác nhất

Top 21 being a country of different cultural races chính xác nhất

Bài viết sau đây sẽ cung cấp cho bạn đầy đủ kiến thức và nội dung về being a country of different cultural races mà bạn đang tìm kiếm do chính biên tập viên Làm Bài Tập biên soạn và tổng hợp. Ngoài ra, bạn có thể tìm thấy những chủ đề có liên quan khác trên trang web của chúng tôi. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp ích cho bạn.

As you get older, you’ll meet a wider range of people from diverse cultures – not just from around the world, but sometimes within your own town or country! If you haven’t met many people whose backgrounds are very different from yours, it can be hard to know how to respectfully engage with their culture. This guide offers some tips for learning more about them, and about yourself.

‘Culture’ is a complex idea. We often use the term to refer to things like food, holidays, clothing, music, and religion, but it also goes much deeper than that. Behaviours, customs, beliefs, and values are also part of your culture. So when we meet people from different backgrounds, we can sometimes find that there are big differences in how we see the world, even if we dress in a similar way or speak the same language.

Know your own culture

One of the best ways to understand other people’s cultures is to first examine your own. Most of us take our background for granted and don’t even realise that our customs and beliefs might seem strange to someone else. If you think of your own way of life as the default and everyone else’s as a strange variation, it’s hard to approach those differences with respect.

What are your beliefs about the world, and about how people should treat each other? Are any of them informed by your own culture and the way you were brought up? What behaviours define you, and would any of them seem odd or unusual to someone with a different culture?

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For example: do you take your shoes off when you go inside? It’s a simple thing, but it’s a huge marker of culture! In Japan, you would never go inside without swapping your outdoor shoes for slippers, whereas in the United States, many people don’t bother taking their shoes off when they come in.

These aren’t always easy questions to answer, but stopping to think about them is so important to understanding your place in the world, which will help you understand other people better too.


Maybe you’ve recently met someone from a different culture, or you’re curious about how different people live. Here are some ways to learn more.

  • Make friends. Get to know your friends’ families and see how their customs and traditions differ from yours. You might be surprised to find how culturally different two people living even in the same town can be!
  • Talk to people. When you meet people from a different culture, ask them about their lives. But be polite about it and remember that they don’t owe you an answer, and might not want to give it – not everyone wants to explain everything about their culture, and if they’re a minority in the area, they might get asked the same questions a lot. Only ask if you have genuine interest in them as a person, not just as an example of their culture.
  • Read. Seek out books by and about people who are different from you. Memoirs, biographies, and other non-fiction books are an obvious way to learn about the facts of a country or someone’s life, but also try to read novels that have been translated from other languages or written by people who might have a very different perspective on life in your own country.
  • Watch movies. Like with books, you can watch documentaries and non-fiction series; check out other kinds of films, too. You get a more varied and nuanced perspective on a culture by seeing the kinds of fictional stories they tell.
  • Listen to radio shows and podcasts. Radio and podcasts often feature people in more informal conversation, which is another great way to get an insider’s perspective on a different culture.
  • Explore. Immersing yourself in a completely different culture through travel is an amazing way to understand how different other ways of life can be. But even if you don’t have the time or money to visit different countries, you can find pockets of other cultures in your hometown. Wherever you live, there are probably immigrant communities or neighbourhoods with their own cultural heritage.

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The more you learn, the more accustomed you get to greeting cultural differences with curiosity rather than suspicion.

Don’t stereotype

Sometimes, learning a lot about a different culture through books, movies, or even travel and friends can lead you into a different trap: stereotyping.

You may think you know a lot about a culture or place, and sometimes that can make it tempting to show off your knowledge when you meet someone from that background… but it’s a problem to assume that everyone from one particular culture has the same perspectives and experiences. These assumptions can be pretty small and harmless — for example, not every Jewish person was raised observing kosher dietary restrictions, and not every English person loves football — but they can also be harmful if your assumptions about someone’s traditions or beliefs lead you to pre-judge or discriminate against them.

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These assumptions make people feel like you don’t see them as a human or an individual, just as a representative of an exotic culture. You’d be annoyed if someone thought they knew everything about you based on where you’re from or who your parents are, so don’t do it to other people, even if you think you understand their culture really well.

Appreciate the differences

Differences between us are what make life so interesting. So embrace the differences between yourself and your friends from different cultures, but remember that what might be a fascinating difference to you is just their normal life!

The best way to respect people from other cultures is to strike a balance between curiosity and appreciation: ask questions if your friends are open to it, but also learn how to just silently observe and appreciate the differences that make us unique.

Top 21 being a country of different cultural races tổng hợp bởi

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  • Đánh giá: 4.61 (247 vote)
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Ethnic and Cultural Diversity – Central Community College

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What Is Cultural Diversity And Why Is It Important?

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Multiculturalism | Definition, Impact, Challenges, & Facts | Britannica

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  • Ngày đăng: 08/26/2022
  • Đánh giá: 3.59 (545 vote)
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  • Ngày đăng: 08/02/2022
  • Đánh giá: 3.37 (246 vote)
  • Tóm tắt: Common Wedding Rituals in the USA. Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States.
  • Khớp với kết quả tìm kiếm: ‘Something blue’ means trust and faith between the bride and the groom. Nowadays, some brides are creative with this item. For example, they may have their fingernails painted blue. Nevertheless, the most popular blue item is the garter that the …

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  • Tóm tắt: Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings nowadays …
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  • Đánh giá: 2.81 (170 vote)
  • Tóm tắt: being a country of different cultural races , there is a great variety of wedding styles in the united states . however , the major of weddings nowadays …

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  • Tóm tắt: Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings …

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1 Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer

  • Tác giả:
  • Ngày đăng: 05/07/2022
  • Đánh giá: 2.08 (166 vote)
  • Tóm tắt: Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings nowadays …

Reading – trang 16 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới

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  • Ngày đăng: 05/22/2022
  • Đánh giá: 2.06 (115 vote)
  • Tóm tắt: Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings nowadays …
  • Khớp với kết quả tìm kiếm: ‘Something blue’ means trust and faith between the bride and the groom. Nowadays, some brides are creative with this item. For example, they may have their fingernails painted blue. Nevertheless, the most popular blue item is the garter that the …

Exercise 4. Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that follow. Common Wedding Rituals in the USA Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings nowadays still follow a number of traditions. One of the traditions dating back to the nineteenth century is about what a bride should wear on her wedding day. It is commonly believed that on her wedding day, the bride should carry with her ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. This is because each of these things has a special meaning for the bride on this big day. When a bride wears ‘something old, it reminds her of her family and the past. Thus, some brides may weartheir mother’s wedding dress or a piece of her jewellery. ‘Something new that the bride wears means good luck and hope for a happy future with her husband. This new item is usually a pair of new shoes, or it can be the wedding dress or something else. When the bride wears ‘something borrowed, it symbolizes the help and support shegets from herfriendsandherfamily whenevershe needs it. Anexample of ‘something borrowed can be a married friend’s bridal veil or a friend’s handkerchief. ‘Something blue means trust and faith between the bride and the groom. Nowadays, some brides are creative with this item. For example, they may have their fingernails painted blue. Nevertheless, the most popular blue item is the garter that the bride wears on her leg. Things are changing fast these days however, the rituals about what the bride should wear on her wedding day remain kept strictly by a lot of women in the USA

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  • Ngày đăng: 05/13/2022
  • Đánh giá: 1.8 (78 vote)
  • Tóm tắt: Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings nowadays …

13 benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in the workplace

13 benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in the workplace
  • Tác giả:
  • Ngày đăng: 06/04/2022
  • Đánh giá: 1.78 (83 vote)
  • Tóm tắt: Read about what we found to be the biggest benefits and most pressing issues. … Diverse cultural perspectives can inspire creativity and drive innovation …
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