Bài viết sau đây sẽ cung cấp cho bạn đầy đủ kiến thức và nội dung về without this treatment the patient would have died mà bạn đang tìm kiếm do chính biên tập viên Làm Bài Tập biên soạn và tổng hợp. Ngoài ra, bạn có thể tìm thấy những chủ đề có liên quan khác trên trang web lambaitap.edu.vn của chúng tôi. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp ích cho bạn.
Opinion 2.20 – Withholding or Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment
The social commitment of the physician is to sustain life and relieve suffering. Where the performance of one duty conflicts with the other, the preferences of the patient should prevail. The principle of patient autonomy requires that physicians respect the decision to forgo life-sustaining treatment of a patient who possesses decision-making capacity. Life-sustaining treatment is any treatment that serves to prolong life without reversing the underlying medical condition. Life-sustaining treatment may include, but is not limited to, mechanical ventilation, renal dialysis, chemotherapy, antibiotics, and artificial nutrition and hydration.
There is no ethical distinction between withdrawing and withholding life-sustaining treatment. A competent, adult patient may, in advance, formulate and provide a valid consent to the withholding or withdrawal of life-support systems in the event that injury or illness renders that individual incompetent to make such a decision. A patient may also appoint a surrogate decision maker in accordance with state law.
If the patient receiving life-sustaining treatment is incompetent, a surrogate decision maker should be identified. Without an advance directive that designates a proxy, the patient’s family should become the surrogate decision maker. Family includes persons with whom the patient is closely associated. In the case when there is no person closely associated with the patient, but there are persons who both care about the patient and have sufficient relevant knowledge of the patient, such persons may be appropriate surrogates. Physicians should provide all relevant medical information and explain to surrogate decision makers that decisions regarding withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment should be based on substituted judgment (what the patient would have decided) when there is evidence of the patient’s preferences and values. In making a substituted judgment, decision makers may consider the patient’s advance directive (if any); the patient’s values about life and the way it should be lived; and the patient’s attitudes towards sickness, suffering, medical procedures, and death. If there is not adequate evidence of the incompetent patient’s preferences and values, the decision should be based on the best interests of the patient (what outcome would most likely promote the patient’s well-being).
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Though the surrogate’s decision for the incompetent patient should almost always be accepted by the physician, there are four situations that may require either institutional or judicial review and/or intervention in the decision-making process: (1) there is no available family member willing to be the patient’s surrogate decision maker; (2) there is a dispute among family members and there is no decision maker designated in an advance directive; (3) a health care provider believes that the family’s decision is clearly not what the patient would have decided if competent; and (4) a health care provider believes that the decision is not a decision that could reasonably be judged to be in the patient’s best interests. When there are disputes among family members or between family and health care providers, the use of ethics committees specifically designed to facilitate sound decision making is recommended before resorting to the courts.
When a permanently unconscious patient was never competent or had not left any evidence of previous preferences or values, since there is no objective way to ascertain the best interests of the patient, the surrogate’s decision should not be challenged as long as the decision is based on the decision maker’s true concern for what would be best for the patient. Physicians have an obligation to relieve pain and suffering and to promote the dignity and autonomy of dying patients in their care. This includes providing effective palliative treatment even though it may foreseeably hasten death.
Even if the patient is not terminally ill or permanently unconscious, it is not unethical to discontinue all means of life-sustaining medical treatment in accordance with a proper substituted judgment or best interests analysis.
Opinion 2.225 – Optimal Use of Orders-Not-to-Intervene and Advance Directives
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More rigorous efforts in advance care planning are required in order to tailor end-of-life care to the preferences of patients so that they can experience a satisfactory last chapter in their lives. There is need for better availability and tracking of advance directives and more uniform adoption of form documents that can be honored in all states of the United States. The discouraging evidence of inadequate end-of-life decision making indicates the necessity of several improvement strategies:
(1) Patients and physicians should make use of advisory as well as statutory documents. Advisory documents aim to accurately represent a patient’s wishes and are legally binding under law. Statutory documents give physicians immunity from malpractice for following a patient’s wishes. If a form is not available that combines the two, an advisory document should be appended to the state statutory form.
(2) Advisory documents should be based on validated worksheets, thus ensuring reasonable confidence that preferences for end-of-life treatment can be fairly and effectively elicited and recorded, and that they are applicable to medical decisions.
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(3) Physicians should directly discuss the patient’s preferences with the patient and the patient’s proxy. These discussions should be held ahead of time wherever possible. The key steps of structuring a core discussion and of signing and recording the document in the medical record should not be delegated to a junior member of the health care team.
(4) Central repositories should be established so that completed advisory documents, state statutory documents, identification of a proxy, and identification of the primary physician can be obtained efficiently in emergency and urgent circumstances as well as routinely.
(5) Health care facilities should honor, and physicians should use, a range of orders on the Doctor’s Order Sheet to indicate patient wishes regarding avoidable treatments that might otherwise be given on an emergency basis or by a covering physician with less knowledge of the patient’s wishes. Treatment avoidance orders might include, along with a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, some of the following: Full Comfort Care Only (FCCO); Do Not Intubate (DNI); Do Not Defibrillate (DND); Do Not Leave Home (DNLH); Do Not Transfer (DNTransfer); No Intravenous Lines (NIL); No Blood Draws (NBD); No Feeding Tube (NFT); No Vital Signs (NVS); and so forth. One common new order, Do Not Treat (DNT), is specifically not included in this list, since it may unintentionally convey the message that no care should be given and the patient may lose the intense attention due to a dying person; FCCO serves the same purpose without the likely misinterpretation. As with DNR orders, these treatment avoidance orders should be revisited periodically to ensure their continued applicability. Active comfort care orders might include Allow Visitors Extended Hours (AVEH) and Inquire About Comfort (IAC) b.i.d. (twice daily).
Top 19 without this treatment the patient would have died tổng hợp bởi Lambaitap.edu.vn
Without this treatment, the patient would have died
- Tác giả: vndoc.com
- Ngày đăng: 06/14/2022
- Đánh giá: 4.97 (957 vote)
- Tóm tắt: 1. Without this treatment the patient would have died. A. If it hadn’t been for this treatment, the patient would have died.
- Nguồn: 🔗
Dying patient should have been seen in person
- Tác giả: bbc.co.uk
- Ngày đăng: 07/18/2022
- Đánh giá: 4.61 (377 vote)
- Tóm tắt: A man died after four telephone consultations with his GP surgery but no face-to-face assessment.
- Nguồn: 🔗
Without this treatment, the patient would have died
- Tác giả: khoahoc.vietjack.com
- Ngày đăng: 07/30/2022
- Đánh giá: 4.59 (487 vote)
- Tóm tắt: B. Unless the patient hadn’t had this treatment, he would have died. C. Had not the patient had …
- Nguồn: 🔗
Without this treatment, the patient would have died
- Tác giả: hoc247.net
- Ngày đăng: 01/04/2022
- Đánh giá: 4.35 (490 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Without this treatment, the patient would have died. A. If it hadn’t been for this treatment, the patient would have died. B. Unless the patient hadn’t had …
- Nguồn: 🔗
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Without this treatment, the patient would have died
- Tác giả: hoctap247.com
- Ngày đăng: 03/09/2022
- Đánh giá: 3.97 (538 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Without this treatment, the patient would have died. Trang tài liệu, đề thi, kiểm tra website giáo dục Việt Nam. Giúp học sinh rèn luyện nâng cao kiến thức.
- Nguồn: 🔗
Without this treatment, the patient would
- Tác giả: cunghocvui.com
- Ngày đăng: 12/16/2021
- Đánh giá: 3.71 (468 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Câu hỏi: Without this treatment, the patient would have died. A. If it hadn’t been for this treatment, the patient would have died. B. Unless the patient …
- Nguồn: 🔗
Survival for breast cancer
- Tác giả: cancerresearchuk.org
- Ngày đăng: 08/30/2022
- Đánh giá: 3.49 (530 vote)
- Tóm tắt: In other words, it is the survival of cancer patients after taking into account that some people would have died from other causes if they had not had …
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When someone is seriously ill or dying after a stroke
- Tác giả: stroke.org.uk
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- Đánh giá: 3.3 (220 vote)
- Tóm tắt: If you need someone to talk to because a loved one has died or is very ill after … the patient should work together to consider what the person would have …
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Consent: A guide for Canadian physicians
- Tác giả: cmpa-acpm.ca
- Ngày đăng: 05/31/2022
- Đánh giá: 3.03 (253 vote)
- Tóm tắt: In the medical context and as the law on consent to medical treatment has … Clearly physicians may do nothing to or for a patient without valid consent.
- Khớp với kết quả tìm kiếm: Because the essential element of consent is the dialogue and sharing of information between physician and patient, anything which can conveniently facilitate this process is desirable. The pre-treatment consent discussions with the patient are most …
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1. Without this treatment, the patient would have died – Hoc24
- Tác giả: hoc24.vn
- Ngày đăng: 04/26/2022
- Đánh giá: 2.81 (199 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Without this treatment, the patient would have died -> If___________________________________ 2. If he lends me some money, I will buy that house
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without this treatment, the patient
- Tác giả: vi4.ilovetranslation.com
- Ngày đăng: 01/28/2022
- Đánh giá: 2.7 (156 vote)
- Tóm tắt: without this treatment, the patient would have died. without this treatment, the patient would have died. 53/5000. Phát hiện ngôn ngữ, Albania, Amharic …
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Without this treatment, the patient would have died
- Tác giả: vietjack.online
- Ngày đăng: 10/17/2022
- Đánh giá: 2.73 (64 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Without this treatment, the patient would have died. · A. If it hadn’t been for this treatment, the patient would have died. · B. Unless the patient hadn’t had …
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Medical negligence: Coverage of the profession, duties, ethics, case law, and enlightened defense – A legal perspective
- Tác giả: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Ngày đăng: 09/20/2022
- Đánh giá: 2.53 (99 vote)
- Tóm tắt: A patient approaching a doctor expects medical treatment with all the … that it can be said without hesitation or doubt that no careful person would have …
- Khớp với kết quả tìm kiếm: In the case of Dr. Laxman Balkrishna Joshi vs. Dr. Trimbark Babu Godbole and Anr., AIR 1969 SC 128 and A.S.Mittal v. State of U.P., AIR 1989 SC 1570, it was laid down that when a doctor is consulted by a patient, the doctor owes to his patient …
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Without this treatment, the patient would have died
- Tác giả: toploigiai.vn
- Ngày đăng: 05/01/2022
- Đánh giá: 2.48 (61 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Without this treatment, the patient would have died. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is …
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The NNT, Explained – TheNNT

- Tác giả: thennt.com
- Ngày đăng: 12/19/2021
- Đánh giá: 2.35 (110 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Imagine for instance a fictional heart attack treatment called ‘StopAttack’. … We would, on average, have to treat 50 patients for 1 patient to have been …
- Khớp với kết quả tìm kiếm: One can see how using the RRR to describe the potential effect of a treatment would be enticing, particularly if someone wanted to exaggerate the potential benefit of a treatment. For StopAttack3 the RRR was 20% while the ARR was 2%, a ten-fold …
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Hơi mờ giúp mình với ạ, câu if
- Tác giả: hoidap247.com
- Ngày đăng: 09/01/2022
- Đánh giá: 2.35 (145 vote)
- Tóm tắt: 7. Without this treatment, the patient would have died. 8. He lost his job because he was late every day. 9. Peter is fet because he eats so many chips. 10.
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Giúp mk câu này nha. Without this treatment, the patient would have died. > If the patient…
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- Ngày đăng: 03/27/2022
- Đánh giá: 2.28 (105 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Giúp mk câu này nha. Without this treatment, the patient would have died. => If the patient…
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Without this treatment, the patient would have died
- Tác giả: hoctapsgk.com
- Ngày đăng: 07/26/2022
- Đánh giá: 2 (146 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Without this treatment, the patient would have died. Trang tài liệu, đề thi, kiểm tra website giáo dục Việt Nam. Giúp học sinh rèn luyện nâng cao kiến thức.
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Writing – Unit 11 trang 75 sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 10
- Tác giả: sachbaitap.com
- Ngày đăng: 11/25/2021
- Đánh giá: 1.95 (72 vote)
- Tóm tắt: Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes. If Susan. 6. Without this treatment, the patient would have died. If …
- Nguồn: 🔗